Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Should Have Written a Relationship book!

  Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey is now becoming a film for the big screen. Why? Most of the details in this book are common sense. Every woman over the age of thirty should know when a man is playing them. When a man really wants to be with you he does everything in his power to show you he wants to be with you. If you are still chasing a man after two years of dating, news flash; he is not fucking with you. Move on! I find it funny how the very men who give this advice to women want to get paid for the information. Steve Harvey would tell you for free, like your mother did if he were genuinely attempting to help. The messages are not new; they are just coming from a new source. The same people that have been cheating on their women and wives for years are now giving out healthy relationship advice for $19.99 plus shipping and handling. I've been thinking like a man for twenty years and you know where it got me?   Thinking I could date multiple men at a time and tell them lies, big mistake. I let some good men go playing too much. Men are not the smart ones, women are. The problem is we watch the news, listen to statistics that tell us there are no men. That is not true. All men are not gay, on drugs, or in prison. Maybe you should think about dating a younger man, or one who drives are car you don't like, or one who wears clothes that may not be in style. Our expectations of a man may be too high. Women want the knight in shinning armor, I say save you! Cinderella was white! You see the Princess and the Frog, she had to work for her prince and make the best gumbo. Work on you and once you have thrown all your old baggage away and killed your demons you will find the right person and you don't need Steve Harvey or Dr. Phil to tell you that because you already know.

This is a re-post and has been slightly updated when I heard the news Steve Harvey's first book is now in film production....Once again, I am confused!


  1. Say it! Say it! I am proud of you and your blog :) Go My Sista!

  2. Thanks Marcia, I need your support! I need more feedback!

  3. Keep it coming, more women need to hear these words of wisdom!

  4. REAL TAlk...lots of young women need this info.

  5. Great anology , but there are some ladies & women , that have low self-esteem they will not or won't believe what someone is telling or trying to teach them as a friend mother, sister, until they meet the fake prince who promise the glass shoes the house , car .. The prince does what ever it takes just to get what he wants .. and need. The only way for her to recognize that this was a game . is maybe to read a paper back book. See some these women have never had a real father , brother , uncle or male cousin to step up and say let me explain the game.to you ..so act like lady is all she knows ... but again love you sis and keep it coming . .. Yolanda (R) Caddell

  6. Yeah Yolanda I see your point of view, but I view it like Pimpin in the Pulpit, Salvation is free so why would I pay $19.99 for a TD Jakes tape? Thanks for the feedback
