Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hate on You? Who Are You?

  Hater...I am so tired of the noun. Hate is such a strong word and takes so much pain staking energy to muster up. In this new Hip Hop generation the term is used by people who most of us do not acknowledge, let alone have time hate. I hear children saying it. I hear teenagers saying it. Girls with no jobs, education or financial status are saying people are haters. I hear guys who live with their parents and they have children saying people are hating on them. I hear immature women who get paid to make a fool of them selves on fictitious reality television shows saying the other immature women are hating on them. I hear senior citizens using the term now. How far will this foolishness go? Rhetorical question of course, but for anyone who may think I personally am a hater because I tend to speak about things that annoy me or issues I feel need to be addressed let me assure I have no time, energy or desire to hate on you. Who are you? If you have time to stop and worry about who is saying what about you, you may not be using your time wisely. People who have their lives together are too busy keeping their life on track to sit up and tweet, Facebook update, beebo, email or call people to hate on  you. 

If you are wondering why I feel so passionately about this, I am a Twitter subscriber. I am attempting to promote my blog and get information on what is going on in the world. I follow all sorts of people. Most people I follow on twitter are positive. But a few of them are completely consumed with the people they perceive are hate them. I get so sick of the reteets and status updates on Facebook about haters. I may be wrong but most of the time people are just talking, they don't give a shit about you and what you have, what you drive, where you live or who you sleep with. It's just conversation that is a diversion from their lives and all the issues they have going on. I replied to a tweet that @EvelynLozada Basketball Wive posted about some girl @ShaniceH being a "Hater" below is a copy of my tweet.
YD_Reigns Y.D.Carter
@EvelynLozada @ochocinco @ShanieceH You kill me with Hater, expand your vocabulary like @Roycelr said last yr.#nooneishating

EvelynLozada Evelyn Lozada
Fuck u (is that better)? RT @YD_Reigns: @EvelynLozada @ochocinco @ShanieceH You kill me with Hater, expand your vocabulary

I think it is funny how just the mere mention of self improvement sent her over the edge. She doesn't know me but what if I were crazy and punched in the mouth if I saw her at the mall? I am an adult now and do not behave in that matter but if this were ten or fifteen years ago it would be my life's mission to show her how 78th street girls really get down. Thank God for deliverance from foolishness. The point of this post is to point out how petty we can be as humans and how we need to uplift instead of tear down. Now I would be lying if I said there was not personal ambition behind the tweet, she has over six hundred thousand followers and she mentioned me. This blog will get traffic and succeed. I am on another level right now like Outkast. As usual I am always willing to articulate what people think privately. Take it from a woman who has seen and done things that many people on dream of. The triumph in life comes from loving yourself, not loving what you have. $1000 shoes cannot take you down the right road. They only make someone else wealthy. A $250,000 car cannot drive you to your final destination.(Heaven or Hell) We need to unite and stop fighting! Love yourself and love someone else along the way. 



  1. The person she was calling a hater is her daughter. It was a joke

  2. Thanks Anonymous I sent her an apology tweet; but that wasn't the first time she used the word and maybe she was playing but I still feel the blogpost has relevance.

    @EvelynLozada @shauniceH I owe you an apology, did not know she is your daughter. Sorry
