Monday, September 26, 2011

Do We Spend Enough Quality Time with Our Children?

As sit on the couch and play Fortune Jewels on Facebook, Brooklynn is the her room watching Teen Nick.Yes, we are in the house together but I am doing my thing and she is doing hers. Sometimes I think about asking her to come and play with me and then I change my mind because she will say I am disturbing her show. Then many times when she wants to tell all of her stories, I'm not interested. I know it may sound harsh but it's true. Being caught up in social climbing, financial difficulties, marital and other family issues can often leave your child the odd man out. The pressure of raising children alone leaves the custodial parent fatigued physically and mentally. We want to engage more but by the time you have provided all of your child's needs, you many times don't have the energy to play a game or listen to the playground gossip of the day. As parents how are we going to give our children all the time they need without loosing ourselves in the process?

1 comment:

  1. So being a single Mom, I was faced with this challenge many many times while raising my daughter… I didn't really realize how much quality time I was missing with her until she was about 6 or 7, and she told me don't worry Mommy, I know you're really busy with work, you never put the phone down… I almost wanted to sign up for counseling after what she said, but it was the truth. I was so busy pleasing the people signing my check, running my parents around and making sure they were okay, my daughter ended up on the back burner of what mattered, but she had all the new stuff, the new toys, the clothes, the shoes, but she had no quality time with Mommy!!! So from that day to this I go in her room and lay across her bed, I force myself on her even when she doesn't want to be bothered with me (since she's about to be 16), and I tell her I love her and what she means to me every chance I get! Now if anything she has my undivided attention the majority of the time, I try my best to get all of my business done during her school hours and if it should run over, I try to finish business after she's gone to bed.
