Friday, September 30, 2011

Cheaters DO Prosper!

 In typical pop culture fashion, seven women came out with allegations of having affairs with Tiger Woods. I'm sure the quick silencing of the press conference scheduled last week has them coming out of the woodwork. Not only did the women get paid to sleep with Tiger Woods be keep quiet the first time, they will be paid a second time by Tiger Woods or by media tell to all. I cannot say I feel sorry for Tiger Woods. He is an adult and should have known better. The funny thing is why would a billionaire want to keep company with these type of women, when he has everything thing loose. Was the sex that great? Are they prettier than his wife? Or is it just the thrill cheaters look for? The chance of being caught? This time Mr. Woods gambled and lost. I started this blog at the beginning of his scandal and now nearly two years later Tiger Woods life has been turned upside down. He has not won a tournament since and is no longer the World's #1 professional golfer. But he is still one of the highest paid athletes in the world. In essence still the winner.

Cases of cheaters prospering are easy to come by these days. Rapper T.I. was caught with an arsenal of weapons that would have lead to at least ten years in prison for the average convicted felon, but being famous T.I. received a reality show, a top selling CD, a major role in a hit movie and a one year sentence. He also married the woman of his dreams and was even given another slap on the wrist after being caught with illegal drugs. He was released from prison this week and will come home to another reality show and more movie and music opportunities.Lil Wayne served almost a year in prison in New York on gun charges, and as soon as he was released had multiple songs on top of Billboard charts, ITunes sales of more than one million and some of the music industry's hottest stars are signed to his Young Money label. He is a multimillionaire and he is steady climbing. Yes, winning! And I won't even talk about Charlie Sheen! The man who penned "winning!"

I am not promoting cheating but I am reminded of an old quote,"good guys finish last".....SAD 

Proceed with Caution!

1 comment:

  1. Today Tiger Woods signed a new endorsement deal the luxury watch brand Rolex...further proving my point!
