Friday, September 30, 2011

My Hair Is Layed Like Donation

I have to admit Funky Dineva is a guilty pleasure. I am assuming he is a comedian and Dineva is his "Wanda or Shanay-nay" any-who you have to admit this ish is hilarious! Listen carefully plus the videos are safe!


YD Speaks

Cheaters DO Prosper!

 In typical pop culture fashion, seven women came out with allegations of having affairs with Tiger Woods. I'm sure the quick silencing of the press conference scheduled last week has them coming out of the woodwork. Not only did the women get paid to sleep with Tiger Woods be keep quiet the first time, they will be paid a second time by Tiger Woods or by media tell to all. I cannot say I feel sorry for Tiger Woods. He is an adult and should have known better. The funny thing is why would a billionaire want to keep company with these type of women, when he has everything thing loose. Was the sex that great? Are they prettier than his wife? Or is it just the thrill cheaters look for? The chance of being caught? This time Mr. Woods gambled and lost. I started this blog at the beginning of his scandal and now nearly two years later Tiger Woods life has been turned upside down. He has not won a tournament since and is no longer the World's #1 professional golfer. But he is still one of the highest paid athletes in the world. In essence still the winner.

Cases of cheaters prospering are easy to come by these days. Rapper T.I. was caught with an arsenal of weapons that would have lead to at least ten years in prison for the average convicted felon, but being famous T.I. received a reality show, a top selling CD, a major role in a hit movie and a one year sentence. He also married the woman of his dreams and was even given another slap on the wrist after being caught with illegal drugs. He was released from prison this week and will come home to another reality show and more movie and music opportunities.Lil Wayne served almost a year in prison in New York on gun charges, and as soon as he was released had multiple songs on top of Billboard charts, ITunes sales of more than one million and some of the music industry's hottest stars are signed to his Young Money label. He is a multimillionaire and he is steady climbing. Yes, winning! And I won't even talk about Charlie Sheen! The man who penned "winning!"

I am not promoting cheating but I am reminded of an old quote,"good guys finish last".....SAD 

Proceed with Caution!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Are You Stuck in the Middle?

Too old for a Hollywood night club but a little too young for the VFW Post. Too old for Forever 21 but not quite old enough for Chico's or Ann Taylor. Too old for a Lil' Wayne concert but to young for Jazz at the Bowl on Wednesday nights.Unfortunately this is where many people in their late thirties early forties are finding themselves. Many people our age would love to be married with children, enjoying family vacations and backyard barbeques but unfortunately too many of us are still single and bored as hell. Being single is a uncomfortable place for many people I like to refer to as 'stuck in the middle'. Spending time with my friends I see the boredom they deal with every weekend. The desire to continue to go out and have a good time but the limited to places to enjoy themselves. Going to a Hip Hop nightclub makes many people in this age group feel like a Cougar or a Sugar Daddy. No wants to be the old lady/man at the club. What can we do? I remember when I was 25, I thought 40 was old! Now I see 40 is not old. It is very unfortunate people in this age group have very little social activities directed toward them. Single women have it the worse because their options are limited.Where do they to meet quality men? Being stuck in the middle is no fun! I equate it to being 12 years old.When you are twelve, you feel too old to play with the little kids, but you are too young to hang out with the teenagers. I wish I had a solution for this problem.

   I feel the pressure of being stuck in the middle in different ways. The space in between marriage and old friendships is a tough place to be in. Quality time with a spouse or girls night out can be a hard choice. Many times I just want to vent about my week and laugh with girlfriends about old times or girlfriend gossip.At the same time, I do not want to neglect my family. Growing up was difficult enough, I assumed by now I would have had it all figured out. Boy was I wrong.....

Did You Know Men Don't Like Fake Hair?

Today I talked to one of my close male friends. He expressed his distaste for all of the what he referred to as "fake shit". He told me about a party he attended where 75% of all the ladies were wearing; fake hair, fake nails, artificial eyelashes and too much make-up. He said they looked like monsters. He said the eyelashes were the WORST! I attempted to explain to him the different reasons why women prefer weaves, wigs and braids but he was not having it. This man is handsome,educated, employed, heterosexual and single.I have known him for years and he is one of the most sincere men I know. He is active in his daughter's life and would like to meet someone who is not what he referred to as "fake." No, I am not looking for a date for my friend but I am sending women out there a message, "less is more". My mother told me this when I was a teenager. I have practiced this mantra all my life and it works pretty well. I have never had a hard time finding people to date. Many times the things women break their necks to do, men not only don't notice, they do not like it. So enough already, with the rainbow hair, multi-color nails in 3-D and tattooed necks. Let's get back to basics and I'm sure we will see different results. FYI----Please do not shoot the messenger.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Do We Spend Enough Quality Time with Our Children?

As sit on the couch and play Fortune Jewels on Facebook, Brooklynn is the her room watching Teen Nick.Yes, we are in the house together but I am doing my thing and she is doing hers. Sometimes I think about asking her to come and play with me and then I change my mind because she will say I am disturbing her show. Then many times when she wants to tell all of her stories, I'm not interested. I know it may sound harsh but it's true. Being caught up in social climbing, financial difficulties, marital and other family issues can often leave your child the odd man out. The pressure of raising children alone leaves the custodial parent fatigued physically and mentally. We want to engage more but by the time you have provided all of your child's needs, you many times don't have the energy to play a game or listen to the playground gossip of the day. As parents how are we going to give our children all the time they need without loosing ourselves in the process?