Thursday, April 30, 2009

Equal Right to Pay.........I'll pass

That Bullshit! Yes, I am on it! I am sick of being responsible for everything! Why did women want liberation. I wish is was like the old days. Forget the notion of having it all. The only people who have it all are white and blonde. And it comes with many strings attached like Viagra. The rest us the other hand are forced to do it all. Most the time, with little appreciation or compensation. Personally, I'm over it. I'll take the back seat for a while. Bring home the bacon, I will fry it. I don't have the energy nor the desire to worry about cooking, cleaning, mothering, fucking, and paying. I would rather watch last week's episode of the Tudors. So to all the working mothers of the world, we should all say, "fuck it" and let the men do the worrying like it used to be. Women didn't have strokes and heart attacks. We had babies. I'm not trying to be a man. We are messing up God's natural order. Men were sentenced to work. And we were sentenced to labor pains. Somehow they stop working and we still have the labor pains. What the hell happened?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Change Would Do You Good

Another hang over. Damn, I've been drinking since the 8th grade. Back then I did not know what a hangover was. But now, the recovery time is a little too extensive. I look back over these last 20 years and I think of all the fun I had drinking with my girls and I'm over it! This past weekend I realized that fun with friends is cool but the whole "homegirlitis" I'm cool, I want more. I have stayed at many of the country's four and start hotels and resorts. All I can tell you about them is what the lobby and bar look like. I never take time and enjoy my $300 a night vacation because I have a hangover. Then when I finally get myself together, I get dressed and go out and get faded again. Yeah, a change can do you and me good. It has taken me along time to get to this point but I would rather write, play poker or read a good book. My interests have changed and to get where I want to be, a hangover is just something else blocking me from my destiny. I'M COOL~

Monday, April 13, 2009

Why Do Women Read Relationship Books Written by MEN?

Think Like a Man, Act Like a Lady, by Steve Harvey is now becoming a film for the big screen.Why? Most of the details in this book are common sense. Every women over the age of thirty should know when a man is playing them. When a man really wants to be with you he does everything in his power to let you know that he wants to be with you. If you are still chasing a man after two years of dating, news flash; he is not fucking with you. Move on! I find it funny how the very men who give this advice to women want to get paid for the information. If they where as genuine as they pretend to be they would tell you for free, like your mother did. The messages are not new, they are just coming from a new source. The same people that have been cheating on their women and wives for years are now giving out health relationship advice for $19.99 plus shipping and handling. I've been thinking like a man for twenty years and you know where it got me? NOWHERE!Thinking I could date multiple men at a time and tell them lies, big mistake. I let some good men go playing too much. Men are not the smart ones, women are. The problem is we watch the news, listen to statistics that tell us there are no men. That is not true. All men are not gay, on drugs, or in prison. Maybe you should think about dating a younger man, or one who drives are car you don't like, or one who wears clothes that may not be in style. Our expectations of a man may be too high.Women want the knight in shinning armor, I say save yourself! Work on you and once you have thrown all your old baggage away and killed your demons you will find the right person and you don't need Steve Harvey or Dr. Phil to tell you that because you already know.

This is a re-post and has been slightly updated when I heard the news Steve Harvey's first book is now in film production....Once again, I am confused!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Today is Easter Sunday. Christ died for all of us. We should be grateful for salvation. Although we may not always do the righteous thing, we should always be working toward being the bigger and better person. Love yourself and your family as Christ loves us and the world will be a bigger and better place. May God bless you and keep you from the grasp of the enemy.
Take a little time to be thankful and grateful. And help someone today!


Don't Drink Alcohol and Drive....Period!

It can happen to anyone. Have a couple of drinks at a friends house, a club or your local watering hole and get pulled over by law enforcement. You may not even have a "buzz" but take it from your girl, it is easy to find yourself in a world of trouble that can last up to ten years. I just want to warn you again. If you happen to live in South LA, Inglewood, Gardena, Culver City or any of the other recent areas that the CHP has deemed in need of extra support you could find yourself in HOT water, to say the least. I know Westchester has always been known for partying, but we need to be mindful of the consequences for a "good time". On the other hand, if you are high off on Illegal drugs. You can take ten NA classes and all will be forgiven. I don't smoke or do drugs but I thought you might want to know!

Ya girl,


Finding Yourself in the "Parenthood"

Up late watching last week's Oprah, the topic is Motherhood. Mothers are telling secrets about things they do to their children. I thought to myself, "can I be the same Yolanda I used to be, before Brooklynn?" When I first had my daughter it was very hard to find a way to be Brooklynn's mom and Yolanda. Yolanda was not the mother type. She was wild and crazy. But Brooklynn's mom can't behave that way. I am responsible for what kind of person she is going to become. Wow, that's a great deal of pressure. I never considered that when I decided to become a mother. Now, six years later I think I'm a pretty good mom. I have changed. At first I felt like I had lost my old life but when I think about it, I did loose my old life. Good! Yes, at first it was bad but now that I have this new life (her's) I can start all over. Everything I have learned I can teach her. Maybe she won't make the same mistakes I have made. She will have more information than I had. I will not let her believe in fairy tales and play with Barbies. She will live in reality and play with humans. She will learn how life really goes. Life isn't fair and people don't always live happily ever after. Parents don't be so hard on yourselves, being a parent is like being a doctor; you take the oath but it's still a "practice". I love my daughter, but I love me too!