Thursday, April 30, 2009

Equal Right to Pay.........I'll pass

That Bullshit! Yes, I am on it! I am sick of being responsible for everything! Why did women want liberation. I wish is was like the old days. Forget the notion of having it all. The only people who have it all are white and blonde. And it comes with many strings attached like Viagra. The rest us the other hand are forced to do it all. Most the time, with little appreciation or compensation. Personally, I'm over it. I'll take the back seat for a while. Bring home the bacon, I will fry it. I don't have the energy nor the desire to worry about cooking, cleaning, mothering, fucking, and paying. I would rather watch last week's episode of the Tudors. So to all the working mothers of the world, we should all say, "fuck it" and let the men do the worrying like it used to be. Women didn't have strokes and heart attacks. We had babies. I'm not trying to be a man. We are messing up God's natural order. Men were sentenced to work. And we were sentenced to labor pains. Somehow they stop working and we still have the labor pains. What the hell happened?

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