Monday, August 13, 2012

The End is Near...

Another decade has passed. At this time 10 years ago, I was pregnant and in escrow for a home I did not purchase. At the time, I told myself I would get another one when I returned to work after I had the baby. Well the baby is now a pre-tween and I still do not own a home. But that is not what this post is about. This post is about time. Time is the one thing we all waste but we cannot not get back. It does not have a price but it is very costly when wasted. This morning I shared with a girlfriend, without the birth of my daughter what have I done with the last 10 years? When you say 10 years it sounds like a long time ago, but I promise I can see myself sitting on the patio at Fridays six months pregnant watching Laker games. Well now that I think about it, I did get married.....something I always wanted to do.Plus a whole plethora of other things. Okay, maybe I am being too hard on myself.

In ten years, I will be 5 days from 50! If the next ten years go bye like the last ten, I had better start planning my 50th birthday party now! LOL Entering into the third quarter of my life has me feeling excited about the future. I have started my own business and although I have had ups and downs I know this is the direction that is best for me.With hard work and determination I will achieve me goals.

So much has changed over the last decade. I have lost loved ones and I have developed new friendships and relationships. I have gone from a "party girl" to a middle-aged woman. I stop traveling across the country now I taxi my daughter and friends around town. My best friend doesn't call me anymore but she does remember me when I go see her. I miss her calls and nagging but most of all I miss her love and support. I could have never imagined my mom could change so drastically in such a short period of time. I am grateful for my mother and all she has given me. She has been everything I needed as a parent and if I give that to Brooklynn then I have done my job.God has given me many blessing in my 39 years, 360 days I cannot begin to name them all but, wisdom, courage, health, love, friends, family, foes, adversity, challenges, triumphs and failures have all molded me into the woman I am today. I may not be all that I am going to be but I more than I was and not quite what I will be soon!

If you are reading this there is a great chance that I have touched your life in some way and I am sure you have touched mine. Sometimes my husband tells me I care too much, I cannot help it I am a 9 that's what we do in Life cycle nine care for people.(I know some people are confused)  Thank you for laughing with me, talking with me, arguing with me, fighting with me, partying with me, drinking with me, praying with me, traveling with me and living with me. These last 39 years have been a blast and I cannot wait to see what is on the other side of 29. I have to let you go 29 and become a FABULOUS 40 YEAR OLD!


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