Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Real Black on Black Crime is not Illegal!

After watching another informative YouTube video Maafa21 I learned a great deal about something I know very little about Eugenics. (Google it because it's very detailed.) I remember when I was a little girl and all the Black radio stations used to advertise HER medical clinic which offered low cost or free tubal ligation. Of course as a ten year old I had no idea that this was a form of sterilization but I do remember conversations regarding the "slaughter house" and how it was placed in the Black community to "get rid of  us". The sad thing is I never knew that not only could this be true, but that me and many of my friends and family members had been a part of the genocide of our own race. We have been taught that we have a right to choose, but we had no clue that the choice had been set to a jingle and been placed in our faces to be an easy way to get out of a mistake. Well after the third time it really isn't a mistake. More like a reckless behavior that has caused irreversible damage to a community and a nation. Yes, it seems the United States government has been sponsoring the genocide of the Black race and we have been voting for it! You wonder why you don't see a lot of blacks at the grocery store or on the local  playground? They didn't make it. I know this is disturbing and it's disturbing to write but I feel compelled to say this, WE NEED TO STOP TELLING YOUNG GIRLS TO HAVE ABORTIONS! POWER IN NUMBERS IS REAL! Drive down any major street east of Normandie and notice all the newly built schools. You know why they are there? Because they are filled children, thousands of them and they AIN'T BLACK! Between abortions, HIV, the crack cocaine epidemic, the prosecutions and unfare sentencing of Black males who are incarcerated our race is nearly extinct. In 50 years we will be like Native Americans living on reservations. People will say, there used to be a lot of African-Americans but they killed each other off. The old people used to say, "and don't have a bunch of babies!" I didn't listen to much of their advice but I did listen to that one piece.

I find myself middle-aged and realize that was a bad idea. I should have had more children. I am a good mother and have a great deal of love to share and life lessons to teach. My mom had three kids and at my age she was doing much better than I am today. Less children doesn't seem to have anyone in a better financial or personal situation. The economic down turn has hit single people just as hard as married people with children.

African-Americans need to wake up, we are teaching our children the wrong things.And mainstream media is assisting in doing more damage with misogynistic music and negative television personalities.We need more unity. We need to love one another, respect one another, honor one another, support one another and teach one another. The world as we know it is coming apart by the strings and it is time to get together and realize that ever since the first slave ship landed we have been a problem for this country.And they have been attempting to show the world we deserved the mistreatment.  The US Government has done all sorts of atrocities to us and have taught us to now do it to ourselves. The top 1% have always seen the slaves and their descendants as an end to justify their means. Now that they play on the global market we really aren't necessary, seems as if they are attempting to starve us out. But we have a secret weapon, we could always....STOP supporting them. Black on Black crime needs to stop and we are the only ones who can stop it!

Proceed with Caution!
