Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Starting Over: A New Venture

The next race starts as soon as we cross the finish line. So if we loose one race, we get back in the blocks and take off again. Being in the race for the long run is the best way to win the race. I guess I see my life like the Tour De France. Many races to complete, one journey. Once again I am starting a new race, this time I'm venturing out to become my own boss. After more than 13 years working in the service industry and seven years of motherhood I am combining the two skills and starting a new business venture. Kidz Reign is my new baby. Kidz Reign will be an unique experience for children and adults. I will keep you all posted. I just wanted to get out that I am starting my own business and I am very excited and afraid, but I must step out on the faith I claim to have and watch God work His magic. Check out my website it is under construction but it will give you an idea of what type of services I will be offering. Halloween is my target Grand Opening but it's not concrete.
